System Model H2: Accelerating your path to fault-tolerant quantum computing

A quantum revolution is on the horizon

System Model H2

Entering a New Phase of Quantum Computing with our Second-generation System

The System Model H2, Powered by Honeywell, is our latest generation of quantum computers with a new racetrack-shaped trap. Featuring 32 fully-connected qubits and an all-new architecture, Quantinuum’s H2 provides the world's highest quantum volume of 65,536 (216) and the largest GHZ-state.

Projects Run on H2
H2 Benchmarking

A Race Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor

Quantinuum’s benchmarking assessment of the System Model H2’s performance is considered one of the most thorough assessments of any quantum system to date. The benchmarking and characterization are representative of the levels of diligence and transparency Quantinuum puts into launching a commercial quantum computer. In the assessment, over 14 different benchmarks were performed, H2 achieved a quantum volume measurement of 65,636 (N=16), a 32-qubit GHZ-state measurement, and the industry’s best commercially available two-qubit gate fidelity.

H2 Topological

Creation of Non-Abelian Topological Order and Anyons on a Trapped-Ion Processor

Researchers from Quantinuum and collaborators from Harvard University and Caltech have demonstrated a new state of matter, a non-Abelian topologically ordered state. Due to the differentiating features and precision control of the H2 processor, the topological state was created in a way where its properties could be precisely controlled in real-time. The precise control of non-Abelian anyons has been long held as the path to using topological qubits for a fault tolerant quantum computer.

H2 Combinational Optimization

Exploring the neighborhood of 1-layer QAOA with Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial Circuits

Quantinuum’s machine learning team demonstrated a new heuristic optimization routine that can solve optimization problems with minimal quantum resources. It solves more problem instances and ones of a larger size than the most used quantum algorithm (QAOA – Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm) under similar resources in Quantinuum’s trapped-ion H2 device. The results from this work motivate further study of quantum heuristic algorithms for optimization at the relevant scale for real-world optimization problems.

JPMC Paper

Alignment between Initial State and Mixer Improves QAOA Performance for Constrained Portfolio Optimization

Global Technology Applied Research at JPMorgan Chase demonstrated that the performance of the quantum alternating operator ansatz (QAOA), a promising quantum algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems, depends on the alignment between the initial state of QAOA and the ground state of the mixing Hamiltonian. The researchers used the findings to successfully optimize a portfolio of 32 assets using Quantinuum’s System Model H2.

Meet Some of the Team Behind H2
Caroline Figgatt
Caroline Figgatt
Senior Advanced Physicist
Project role:  I’m an atomic physicist who focuses on implementing, improving, and maintaining the system control code.

How does it feel to have achieved this milestone?

"I’ve been working on the H2 system for the past 2 years, so it’s really exciting and gratifying to finally see all of our hard work pay off and launch a groundbreaking system we can be incredibly proud of."

What does access to the H2 mean for users/customers?

“H2 users will have access to a quantum computer with enough qubits to start burdening classical simulations (our classical emulator is now slower than our quantum computer), with operational fidelities at the same high level that Quantinuum customers have come to expect from our hardware. This combination of more qubits at world-class fidelities will expand the depth and breadth of what our customers can do with our systems.”

Steven Moses
Steven Moses
Senior Advanced Physicist
Project role:  H2-1 project lead

How does it feel to have achieved this milestone?

“Launching H2 is the culmination of several years of hard work by a very talented team, and it’s wonderful to see all the pieces of such a complex project come together.

What does this upgrade mean for users/customers?

“Users and customers of H2 will have the opportunity to test algorithms on one of the most powerful quantum computers ever developed. I’m excited to see how quantum error correction protocols evolve and mature due to work on the H2 machine.”

Juan Pino
Juan Pino
Technical Manager
Project role: Medium and long-term technical direction.

How does it feel to have achieved this milestone?

“Historic. This is a major proof point of the overarching goal of QCCD: scale qubit number while maintaining gate fidelity.”

What does this upgrade mean for users/customers?

“With H2 customers will begin to realize how beneficial all-to-all connectivity is as qubit numbers scale. Specifically, entangling distant qubits won’t come at the cost the error incurred from additional gates.”